God's word in today's world

Do what the coach says: Serve others too! 

Peter is the coach, and he guides us to become true Christians. It’s a long way to go and I suspect we can never say: “Surely, now I’ve arrived!”. But still, over time we change and start acting according to God’s will for our lives. 

  • It’s not nuclear physics that we must master here. It’s very simple: Do what is right and listen to the little alarm going off inside you if you’re not on the right path. 
  • Always put on the clothes of wisdom to know which direction is the best one to take at the crossroads of life. 
  • Appoint guards to help you never lose control of a situation.  
  • By now we know all too well that we don’t have an inside track and that the storms will come at some point. Then we must be prepared and stand strong. 
  • It takes some energy to know what fruits God wants us to bear, but then we must share them with the people around us. 
  • Of course, our sisters and brothers stand in the same line where we can not only hand out fruit, but also receive them. 

Now we get to Peter’s last suggestion: that we must share these fruits of ours with others: 6-7complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. 

Often, we wonder what difference we can make. I don’t have much to contribute, so I’d rather stay in the background. Yet we all always have something. God has given us gifts to plough back into the lives of others. 

I will repeat the story about a small candle carried by a man who was climbing the stairs of a lighthouse.  

On their way up to the top, the candle asked the man, “Where are we going?” 

“We’re going to the top of this lighthouse and give signals to the big ships on the ocean,” the man answered. 

“What? How could it be possible for me with my small light to give signals to those big ships?” 

“They will never be able to see my light”, replied the candle weakly. 

“That’s your part. If your light is small, let it be. All you have to do is keep burning and leave the rest to me”, said the man. 

A little later, they arrived at the top of the lighthouse where there was a big lamp with a loop behind it. Then the man lit the lamp with the light of the candle and instantly, the place shone so brightly that the ships on the ocean could see its light. 

Even if it sometimes feels that what you can contribute won’t make a difference, you must think again. God wants to use exactly what you can bring to make a big difference in the lives of others. You don’t have to bring everything, just what you have. God will take care of the rest. 

May the people you meet every day experience your care through your actions and words. May the world be different because God uses your little flame powerfully. 

2 Peter 1:3-15  

What gifts do you have?
Do you believe that it can make a difference in the lives of others?
Where can you make a difference? 


Lord, thank you for my gifts and thank you for considering me important enough to make a difference in the world. Give me the strength and courage to do it. Amen. 


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