God's word in today's world

Keep them away from hell

I actually didn’t want to say anything about this verse, because it refers to people who do not live according to God’s will. Yet, I suspect we also need to hear it, because we may have a role to play here. 

5They’re the ones who will be called on the carpet—and before God himself. 

Let’s start at the beginning. When we’re born, God breathes His breath into us. This is when our soul comes to life. It is this soul that lives forever. Our body dies one day, but our soul lives on. 

Your soul can end up in one of two places. We know one place is heaven, where we, who do the will of God, go. This, of course, was made possible by Jesus’ death on the cross. 

Then there is only one other place where the guys who do not live according to God’s will go, namely the hell. We don’t know exactly where it is, but it won’t be a nice place. It’s a place where God is absent. 

God determines which way the soul goes. Those who did not live according to His will on earth, those choosing against Him, will not walk on heaven’s golden streets. 

I am a picture person and I see hell as a place where those who end up there will suffer for the rest of eternity. Every second of their hellish life they will regret not choosing God. 

Someone told the story of a man who got to hell and saw that there were different rooms. In one room, the guys were standing up to their hips in sewerage. At least this is not so bad, the guy said to himself and decided to stay in that room. Before long, a voice said: Okay, your five-minute break is over. Stand on your hands again. 

I’m probably going to get told off for telling this story, but I think it will help some to understand that you don’t want to go to hell. 

So why am I telling the story of hell when I say it doesn’t actually apply to believers? I think it does apply to us, especially if there is someone in our environment who does not live according to God’s will. 

We all rub our shoulders with or maybe know someone who is not a child of God. Some admit openly that they do not believe in God. Others don’t say it, but their way of life screams it. 

I wonder if one day, after we leave earth, we’ll be given another chance to talk to them and if so, whether they would blame us. “You knew about heaven all along. You knew how to get there. Why didn’t you ever tell me?” 

Therefore, let’s try to show the people who choose against God with our actions, and, if necessary, tell them with words how much God loves them.  

1 Peter 4:1-6 

Who do you know who doesn’t believe in God?
How can you talk to them?

Father, I know I must share the Gospel with others. Please give me the strength and wisdom and the courage to do this. I ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen. 


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