God's word in today's world

Leadership guide

Crossroad247 has launched an online interactive leader’s guide. The first in the world!

The leader’s guide, which is available on the Roadtrip247 App, provides all the information a leader might need to present an interesting and creative group session. A current topic that relates to the messages the members receive daily via WhatsApp is discussed every week.

The leader’s guide contains the following: scripture, prayer, an activity, compassionate question, summary of the week’s daily messages, discussions and interactive questions, videos, and much more. Two or more can meet at school, university, college, church or under a tree and in addition to enjoying the community of believers, also practice being true disciples of Jesus.

Don’t have the app, view this weeks leadership guide or last weeks leadership guide

If you are a leader and would like to use the leader’s guide, please leave your details below. A password will be emailed to you.

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