God's word in today's world

In someone else’s footsteps

1So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides.

Now that is saying a lot.

I had an amazing dad who made an enormous difference in God’s world. He left deep foot prints, so deep that it makes me feel that I will simply never achieve it. This instruction by Paul is even bigger. You and I must follow in the footsteps of an even more amazing Man; we must follow in Jesus’ footsteps.

In my mind I see the image of a little girl who tries to step in her dad’s footprints. She tries as hard as she can and has to jump from one footprint made by her dad to the other. She succeeds in making one jump, but with the next step, she lands quickly in between the two, because they simply are too far apart.

I’ve told you about the retired principal and his wife who stay in a village by the coast and feel driven to reach out to less privileged children. He said:

We ministered to 500 children, played games with them and gave them something to eat and drink.

After my talk to the congregation, we received R8 000! 

As I left, two ladies stopped me, one of them donated 200 sandwiches, the other, 120 hot dogs.

Another lady turned 84 years old: she invited people to her party, but they shouldn’t bring her presents. She asked for money that she would double – we ended up receiving R2 000!” “You must take this R1 000 and buy chocolates for the kids!” We did.

The minister of welfare covered the transport of the brass band from Riversdale, as well as the two people from Livingball who travelled from George to Stilbaai, and another 500 hot dogs!

At 9.30 we took the bus to Grandma Lenie’s house at Melkhoutfontein. Marched through the town with the brass band and the floats to the rugby field where the hot dogs were enjoyed. 

For two hours we told them about God and then they had another hot dog, sweets, an ice lolly and cool drink.

An ordinary story of someone who walks in Jesus’s footsteps, because that is exactly what Jesus would have done. He would have told the children about God. He would have played soccer with them and He would have made sure that they had enough to eat before He sent them home.

This instruction is for all of us: Your acts must look like the acts of a child of God. If people cannot see God in your actions, if people cannot have a personal experience of God through your acts, something is wrong somewhere. When Jesus lives in us, everything is renewed. The way we talk, the way we act, the way we walk through life becomes brand new. The big question is whether this is true for your life? Do you walk comfortably in Jesus’ footsteps?


Colossians 3:1-4


What do your footsteps look like?

Do people see Jesus in your life?

Where do you have to live differently?


Father, how deep are your footprints here on earth! I must honestly say that I struggle to keep up. Often, I have to give an extra step or two in between your footprints. I want to be renewed. I want to show the world your being. Amen.


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