God's word in today's world

Speak it!

Ephesians 6:10-20

Wow, we are at the end of Ephesians. We reflected on Ephesians one hundred times. It was not planned to be like that, but what a milestone. Paul’s letters are filled with learning material and I’m sure if we page through this letter again, we’ll still find things we missed. I realise more and more that the Bible is inspired by God and will never come to an end. Now this last message:

Recently, I’ve become more aware of the negative things that slip out of our mouths so easily. People continue speaking negative and destructive words and we have no idea what impact they have.

If I continuously say negative things to my child, he or she will eventually believe it and chances are he or she will eventually turn out that way. We have to take care, because often what you say become true.

Paul knows this, and that is why he ends his letter with these positive words: 24Love mixed with faith be yours from God the Father and from the Master, Jesus Christ. Pure grace and nothing but grace be with all who love our Master, Jesus Christ.

Paul never said something just because. No, he spoke something that he believed could really happen in the listener’s life. He didn’t speak something because he hoped or suspected it would happen. No, he believed wholeheartedly it could happen.

We must believe it too. We must confess it too. We must keep holding it in our thoughts. We must put it on our tongues. Therefore, read these words:

May God give us peace today.

May God give us love today.

May God give us faith today.

May God be very good to us today.

May we love God for ever and ever!

Believe it with your heart. Speak it, but speak for all the other people too.

I believe it with my whole heart and and now when I have to finish up and go forward into the day ahead, I believe that I will find peace. I believe that in a way I will experience a great piece of love somewhere. I will keep on believing, even if the waves threaten to drown me. I will look all over to find God’s goodness for me.

I will love God with everything in me for ever and ever!

Let’s rush out into the world today and let’s not stop speaking about good and beautiful things. Let’s put away our swords for a bit and speak good over all the people around us. For our enemies as well.


What did God do for you?

Over whom can you speak that blessing?

With whom can you share a piece of grace?


Our Father, thank you for giving us so much peace and love. Thank you for faith and that I can believe that You want to give me the best. I love You very much. Amen


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