And more strength for every day
I have no choice but to look at this wonderful verse again. Below is the special story of someone who knows where to get her strength. She felt moved to do something at the coal mine in Gauteng where she works. Although she was afraid, she received the strength.
This is Corné’s story:
The Lord is just unbelievably awesome!
I took the first step and called together the 22 black people and 2 whites that work with me, apologising for the hurt and mistakes from the past. I apologised for the terrible hurt done to them and their forefathers.
We can start today to work together and make life a better place for us, for our children and their children, forgiving one another in Jesus’ powerful and holy Name. We can start living and thinking differently at home, something that we will only be able to do through Jesus Christ’s amazing grace, because He and He alone is God and Lord of love and peace.
As I turned around to walk away, they started clapping and thanking me over and over again for what I had said and done.
They asked that we make a big circle, holding on to one another and pray.
WOW! WOW! WOW! Can you believe it? I was so surprised I couldn’t say a word about how God intervenes when we act for Him.
From that day onwards we meet every day, make a circle and invite Jesus’ Holy Spirit as our guest of honour. We pray for one another, for our place of work, for our town, country, government, Jesus’ church.
And in his Name we proclaim that He and He alone is God and Lord.
Our country needs many more stories like this one. Stories about things we are afraid to do on our own, but where we can make a real difference in the lives of others with the strength that Jesus gives us
13Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.
What is there that you can’t face? What mountain is too big for you to climb? No, not only negative things, but also positive things that are simply too big to tackle?
A farmer gifted to erven to my mother-in-law’s ministry. She feels driven to build a crèche and a clinic on the erven. She has no money yet, but she’s not phased by that, because she knows where she can find strength.
My WhatsApp status is: What you can dream you can do! I can add to that: Because God supplies the power!
Where do you need strength?
Where can you make a difference?
Do you have to give something of yourself?