Switch on your headlamp
One morning, when I was still farming, I walked out the door to start working on the farm. Soon after, I realized that I no longer remembered the passage I had read in the Bible just five minutes before.
The next morning, I began to write down what I understood from the text I was reading, as well as how I could apply it to my own life. This led to an e-ministry, and since 2012, Renata and I have been working full-time with Crossroad247. And as they say, the rest is history.
However, I had one problem. I couldn’t wake up early in the morning to live my newfound calling. I asked God to wake me up early and He did!
Some mornings I wake up at 03:00 and then I’m wide awake. It’s no use turning over and trying to get back to sleep. So, I get up, settle down, and let my fingers run over the keyboard.
I believe one should be specific when praying. I should actually have asked our Father to wake me up at 05:00 or 05:30, but because I didn’t add a time, I am now awake anytime from 03:00.
If I’m on the go this early, I try to move as quietly as possible so as not to disturb the others in the house. Usually, I move about in the dark, but time and time again I seem to forget where the furniture is.
One morning I smashed into the glass case full of precious cups and saucers. Needless to say, the whole house was startled awake and no one was impressed with my unplanned antics. Next Father’s Day I received a headlamp.
When you don’t have enough light in the dark, you can easily run into something. It’s logical. This is also how it works with our spiritual life. Before we met Jesus as our Saviour, we were in the dark.
And we didn’t even know it. We thought that’s what life should be like. Our stumbling around in the dark was all we knew. But then the Light came and showed us where we are and where we are going.
9… so that you may declare the goodness of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvellous light. [MEV]
If we do wrong things, if we devise plans to trick people, if we allow our tongues to say things about people to hurt them, we are stumbling around in the dark.
Jesus is the greatest sign of light for us. He came to show us what deeds of the light look like. He laid down His life for other people. He came to lighten the burden of people who are suffering. He turns on the light for people who crash into themselves and others and saves them.
Let us now also turn on our spiritual headlamps in the world. Let us shine the light for other people and help them to come out of the darkness. Let us seize every opportunity to guide other people to the right path.
1 Peter 2:9-12
Which of your deeds are still in the dark?
Where can you shine your light?
Who is God putting on your heart?
Jesus, thank you for bringing us the light. Thank you for the day I saw how dark my life was and for then being able to move towards the light and Light with the help of Your Holy Spirit. Please help me now also shine Your light in the world. Amen.