God's word in today's world


Light when you’re floundering around

At the start of our ministry, I soon realised that I would have to get up early in the morning to write. During the day, there are usually just too many things on my plate that need to be moved around if I want to spend quiet time with the Lord.  The problem is that […]

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Focus on Life

If Jesus had not come to earth, we would’ve been in deep trouble. We would’ve been wandering around in the dark not having a clue about what was going on.  Jesus became human to be the Light in our dark world. He came to tell us about God and about God’s great love for us. […]

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Light in the darkness

I was sitting on the platform with my station master friend. He is forthright and calls a spade a spade. He says that so-called Christians who do not do good to others and do not make a difference in other people’s lives aren’t true Christians.  That’s quite a hard statement, but I suspect it’s not […]

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Do what the coach says: Stay strong!

Life isn’t easy.  Challenges are plentiful. It’s a challenge to pay all the bills at the end of the month and then suddenly something breaks, or a thief comes in the night and takes even the little you do have. It breaks you.  I don’t get it, but when you need it most, relationships fall […]

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The world sees God through our light

I received this beautiful story from Anne (not her real name):  This is a story of a small candle carried by a man as he climbed the stairs to the lighthouse.  On the way up, the candle asked the man: “Where are we going?”  “We are on our way to the lighthouse to give signals […]

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Dark things and stupid words

The Jesus followers in Biblical times did not have it easy. There was pressure from the government to get rid of them and the church of the day actively tried to wipe them off the face of the earth. But more than that, people in the immediate area falsely accused them and said they were […]

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Try again

I’m often startled when I stop and see that the verse I’m reading draws a line to the events of the previous day. I often get a practical example from my everyday life that the Holy Spirit uses to reveal new truths to me from the Word. Sometimes it’s like a slap in the face. […]

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Switch on your headlamp

One morning, when I was still farming, I walked out the door to start working on the farm. Soon after, I realized that I no longer remembered the passage I had read in the Bible just five minutes before. The next morning, I began to write down what I understood from the text I was […]

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Shine a light

James’ letter helped me a lot. I learned a lot about what to do and what not to do. It really is a practical book that we can (no must!) read and study over and over again so that the words can guide our lives out there in the world. We, called children of God, […]

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When dark clouds cover you

I chatted to a family member early this morning. I knew she would be awake, because she’s getting regular blood transfusions to treat an aggressive leukaemia. Later, she sent me a voice note describing what had happened the previous evening, how the doctor was screaming instructions to everybody around her bed – basically to keep […]

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