Watch out for the wolf in sheep’s clothing
When I was in the army, it was hard. I was part of the Mech Infantry Unit and big operations in which the enemy was attacked with a lot of force occurred regularly. Major energy was spent on planning these operations. Every division had to do specific tasks and everybody had to work together to make it a success.
A major part of our success, however, depended on what we knew about the enemy. We had to know exactly where they were, how many of them were there, what weapons they had with them, etc. If we knew little about the enemy, chances of success were poor, and the danger that we would be at risk so much bigger.
It is important that we know our enemy in the spiritual world too. We must know what tricks he has up his sleeve so that we can be prepared for it. He is real and he uses all his powers to entice people away from the true path. Paul was afraid that the devil could lead the new children of God in Thessalonica astray: 5… I had to know for myself how you were doing in the faith. I didn’t want the Tempter getting to you and tearing down everything we had built up together.
Lambs are an easy target for predators, because they are not equipped to defend themselves against danger. Young Christians are easy targets for the devil too. When the road becomes too difficult, uncertainty sets in. Then the devil wants to tell them other truths that will lead them astray. That is why it is so important that we protect and carry new Christians. We must share our own struggles with them. We must tell them about the times we wanted to give up, but with god’s grace did not stumble and fall. In this way we can help others from having their faith shaken.
Experience has also shown that the devil does not restrict himself to only attacking young Christians. It’s true, the devil isn’t lazy. He never stops. He waits and watches around every corner and continuously wants to entice you from the path. We must be aware of this. Everywhere we go, he can be like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Most of the time the temptations aren’t so big. Often we don’t even know it is a temptation. How many times in my life have I become so busy with the things of the Lord that I’ve forgotten the Lord of the things? The devil is not going to try and tempt me to rob a bank or to steal someone’s stuff. No, he would rather push me to do even more, because he knows – when I’m running around like that, I struggle to spend quiet time with God.
We have to know our enemy. We have to know where he will appear in sheep’s clothing. We have to be prepared so that he cannot entice us away from the path and steal our faith. Let’s pray for reinforcements so that the Holy Spirit and the angels can protect us and strengthen us to stand against the attacks of the enemy. But even more than that – let’s also help others to remain standing. Let’s take hands and hang on tightly, because then the enemy won’t have a chance and God’s Name will be honoured.
Where is the devil trying to get into your life?
Where have you fallen into the trap?
How can you resist the evil one?
Father, we are so easily enticed away from the path. So easily we deny You. I realise once again that we cannot remain standing on our own. We need the Holy Spirit every moment of the day. May He help us every day. Amen.