Get rid of it
There is a lot of pain in the world. People get caught in some storm all the time and then they need encouragement. They want a hand on the shoulder or a flashlight in the dark.
When we preach sermons where we highlight God’s promises, people line up to let the flashlight shine in their storms. People share the sermons, and the viewer numbers shoot through the roof.
Other sermons don’t get as much airtime. When the theme is about sin, people look away and don’t forward it. I can also see it in the viewer numbers.
It’s probably only human that we don’t want to be reprimanded. I suspect we are ashamed of the things we do wrong. That’s why we don’t want the flashlights to shine on us.
Yet we cannot remain silent about this. We cannot let the viewer numbers determine what the message of the day should be. We should rather listen to what God’s Word says and where it wants to turn the lights on or off.
The message is simple and very direct: 1I write this, dear children, to guide you out of sin.
Yes, the message is clear: Do not sin!
Funny enough, we know immediately when we’re living outside the will of God. When we do wrong things, red lights go off around us and we know it’s not right. I suspect it is our conscience raising its hand then.
We must listen to it because, besides our wrongdoing hurting God’s heart, sin can ruin our lives. Sometimes it even ruins other people’s lives, and our actions turn off the lights in other people’s worlds.
I share a story where I ask a few questions: I wonder why people step outside the boundaries of marriage. Has it become too boring and the excitement on the other side of the line is just too good?
Andy (not his real name) responded:
I was one of those people who stepped outside the boundaries. If I only knew then what I know now, it wouldn’t even have crossed my mind.
I’ve been divorced for four years now and if I could change it, I would. I hope and believe the Lord will forgive me for what I’ve done. It’s torn me apart and it feels like it’s not going to get better. I’m so sorry about it …
How do you get back on your feet? I never looked at another woman again. But the loneliness is overwhelming, and I struggle to talk to the Lord. It’s heartbreaking not to be able to talk to God. I can’t say anything to Him …
Let’s obey the command and turn away from sinful deeds. Let’s live within the will of God. It will gladden His heart and protect us from destroying ourselves.
1 John 2:1-2
Where are the lights off in your life?
How can you stop doing the wrong things?
Maybe tell someone so they can help?
Father, I don’t want to sin. I want to do everything in the light, in Your light. Amen.