We believe
I believe in God
I believe that before my Mom and Dad even thought of me, God already saw me as part of His bigger picture.
I believe God made everything, from the immense galaxies still undiscovered by man to the smallest worm, and I know God cares for them. He holds the sun and moon and earth in His hand and ensures that the rain falls – in His own time.
I believe in God’s love – because otherwise we would not even be here. It is just love that prevents God from crushing us like ants. And the biggest proof of God’s love? God sent His Son to die for my sins on a wooden cross!
I do not understand everything about God, but that is because He is indeed God.
I believe in Jesus Christ
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, but even more than this: in a way I believe that Jesus is God too.
I believe that Joseph and Maria were not intimate before they got married.
I believe that Jesus played in the dust in front of the temple and heard the nonsense people were talking about God and everything about Him. I can see the surprise on the church people’s faces as this young boy speaks about His Father. I can see them becoming upset.
I believe that Jesus walked on this earth nearly 2 000 years ago and taught his twelve disciples. I believe that Jesus did all the miracles, even feeding a crowd of people with some fishes and bread. I also believe that there was a lot left over.
AND the most important for me: I believe that Christ died for all my sins on the cross. His Blood deleted all my debts on the cross and simply because of that I do not have to carry a heavy burden of debt around with me. Because of Jesus I am free!
I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and vanquished evil.
I believe that Jesus ascended to heaven alive and also sits on God’s right hand.
Yes! Definitely!
I believe in the Holy Spirit
I believe that God put a small piece of His Spirit in me.
I believe that the Holy Spirit leads me. He is a Leader, a Friend, a Comforter, and a Teacher.
I believe that the Holy Spirit “speaks” softly and that I have to be sensitive to “hear” Him. Quotation marks, because I have never heard the Spirit speak in an audible voice. Some people have, but in some way or another I am led somewhere in my thoughts (if I succeed in slowing down and sitting still for once!) to know what is right and what is wrong.
I believe in grace
I believe in grace that may be taken for free. If not for God’s great merciful hand, we people would never have had a chance of getting to heaven. God overflows with grace and mercy. God cannot stop showering blessings for free on people over and over again.
I believe in angels
I believe there are angels all around me. I believe that in some miraculous way they help to protect me. I believe that one day I will be sitting in heaven watching the DVD of my life and I will be astounded by the many times I would have fallen over the edge of the cliff if not for God’s angels all around me.
I believe in the Word of God
I believe that God worked in people to pass His words from person to person for many years and that later all His words were written down in one book, the Bible.
I truly believe that God’s Word is a lamp and a light for every step I take in the world out there. Without God’s Word in my life I will have no direction and I will have no idea what to do with my life.
I believe that God’s Word can give every person guidance every day, and will never become old-fashioned or finished. God’s Word is dynamic and I have the utmost respect for it.
I believe in prayer
I cannot but believe in prayer. I don’t know how it works, but God hears every single prayer by His children. And He does not stop at listening, He acts. God is still hearing our prayers today.
I believe that prayer is a conversation with the Almighty God and that one treads on holy ground. It is a two-way conversation and one party does not dominate the conversation. I struggle with this.
I believe in my own free will
I believe that God has given me free will. I do not believe that I am simply a gear shift in God’s hand and that God puts me into first gear keeping me there until He thinks the time is right for shifting to second. No, I decide with my own free will.
I believe that my will sometimes pulls away from God and then I sin. When this happens, which is more often than not, I return to point 3: I believe in Jesus Christ!
I believe in the “friends of Jesus” group
I believe in the “friends of Jesus” group. I believe that when I was reborn into God’s family I got many (Calvary) blood brothers and sisters.
I truly believe that we have to be there for one another, to support one another in difficult times, to laugh and spend time together, but also have the freedom to now and again to rap one another over the knuckles. We do need it.
I believe in the church
This is somewhat untrue, because I do not totally believe in the church as I see her looking today. I’d rather believe in a church made up of people only and not buildings. The building, with or without a cross, with or without an organ, with or without a pulpit, is simply the hub where the children of God meet to worship God, to help/support/teach one another, and become motivated to make a difference in the world.
I believe that the church is a gift from God to people in the gutters of the world.
I believe in my calling
Because I understand to some extent what God has done for me, because Jesus died for me on the cross, because a piece of God’s Spirit lives in me, I can do nothing else but start doing something.
I believe that God has called me in this place. I do not have to sell everything I own and start teaching Sunday school from an old Fleetline kombi somewhere under a tree in darkest Africa.
I believe I am going to heaven one day