God's word in today's world

God is faithful and forgives every time

I remember some verses in the Bible word for word. Probably because I need them so much and because they constantly apply to me. I suspect the verse I’ve used the most in my life is this one:  

9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (King James version) 

The greatest gift a person can receive is a gift that saves your life. This redirects your course from the path of mortality to the path of everlasting life. 

This gift was made possible by Jesus Christ. You see, we can do nothing to remove the stain sin has left on us. We cannot do a good deed to make our sins go away. 

We cannot even do a thousand good deeds to minimise the impact of one sin. Some people bank a lot of good deeds in case they might do wrong somewhere. That kite won’t fly either. 

It’s only Jesus’ blood, because He was slain as the last sacrificial lamb, that manages to get rid of the heap of punishment that we accumulate here on earth. His blood that flowed was the payment for our punishment. 

Because Jesus gave His life, God writes off our sins every time. God honours this agreement pardoning all transgressions, no matter how great, through the intercession of Jesus Christ. 

Of course, as the other party in this agreement, we must fulfil our part by confessing our sins. Throughout Scripture, forgiveness is contingent upon the individual’s acknowledgement and confession of their transgressions. 

Confessing brings a lot of emotion to the table. It’s not just a list of our misdeeds we’ve written down that we’re going to rattle off and then it’s in God’s hands to put the forgiveness into effect. 

We must truly repent. The Message translation describes it well by saying: 9 … if we admit our sins—simply come clean about them—he won’t let us down; he’ll be true to himself. He’ll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing.  

Repentance leads to tears, even if they’re not real tears, but tears in our hearts when we see where we’ve disappointed God. But it’s more than tears. It’s also the determination not to repeat the sin. 

We can’t stand before God’s throne without a plan to avoid going the wrong way again. If I’ve confessed to God about viewing inappropriate images, I should have safeguards in place to prevent future occurrences. 

Thank goodness, God remains faithful. I will now live a life free from the baggage of sin and have a plan in place to avoid future mistakes.  

1 John 1:5-10 

Do you believe that God will forgive all your sins?
Do you really repent those sins?
Do you have plans in place to not do it again? 

Father God, how great Your grace is to forgive my sins every time! Help me make plans not to sin again. Amen. 


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