God's word in today's world


Remember Andy who stepped across the lines? I keep thinking of his cry for help.  

Luckily! Thanks to the Father, verse 1 has a second part: 1But if anyone does sin, we have a Priest-Friend in the presence of the Father: Jesus Christ, righteous Jesus. 2When he served as a sacrifice for our sins, he solved the sin problem for good—not only ours, but the whole world’s. 

It’s like a court case, and we stand in the dock. The entire charge sheet of offences is read. Some are much longer than others. 

We hang our heads, because we know each one is true. We were there. Beyond the boundaries. Again and again. We stand there mutely, because what can you say when you know everything’s true, and you know the judge knows? 

Fortunately, we have a lawyer who backs us. He loves us so much and He takes our side. He pleads with God. You see, God is the only One who can write off sins. 

Actually, Jesus doesn’t talk much. He just lifts His hands and shows the holes telling the whole story. That charge sheet full of sins, the punishment for every sin, has already been paid. 

On a cross on Calvary. And the means of payment? Jesus’ blood. And that was more than enough. 

In a way, this is too big for us to understand. How can God’s Son, who does not sin, pay for my sin? I suspect Andy also struggles to understand this passage. He says: “I struggle to talk to the Lord. It is terrible not to be able to talk to the Lord. I can’t tell Him anything …” 

Because he’s unsure whether God will really forgive him. That’s why he struggles to reach God and talk to Him. In his own eyes, he is just too guilty. 

Such situations remind us to paint the picture of the court proceedings clearly in our minds again. We must see ourselves standing in the dock with that charge sheet of sins. 

Yes, we can tremble when we catch a glimpse of the judge because we know our lives are in His hands. But then we must fix our eyes on Jesus. And look at the holes in His hands. 

Then we must allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by tears and hurt and sincere regret for what we’ve done. It’s necessary. But then, after that, we have to allow joy to flood us. 

Jesus Himself pleads our case before God. Every time He gestures with His hands, we have proof that there is no need for further atonement because Jesus has paid already. The holes in His hands and feet are the proof. 

Then we cry again, but this time, tears of peace and gratitude. We are free. We are forgiven and the Judge hits the gavel on the bench: Innocent! His account has been paid! 


1 John 2:1-2 

How does the result of innocence make you feel?
Are you living it in the world?
Do you forgive others too? 

Jesus, I have no words to thank You for restoring my image with God. I want to demonstrate how grateful I am for my lifestyle. Amen. 


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