Member of a royal family
I was the last of six children. My brothers and sisters say I was spoilt, but I disagree. When my brothers wanted a guinea pig to test their newly made darts, I had no choice but to run. Then they tried to hit my heels with the darts.
I slept very soundly and if I had to go to the bathroom at night, I didn’t actually wake up. If my sister found me wandering around, she wouldn’t take me to the toilet, but to the hallway closet. Laughing out loud, she would wake me up just before I relieved myself.
But if someone dared to do something to one of us, then everyone stood together and with six of us standing up as one man, no one took a chance on taking us on.
That’s what families do. They stand by each other and help each other. If one needs help, one of the family members will raise a hand to help. I still remember when I was a student and my brother generously let me use his credit card to treat my girlfriend, who is now my wife, to a nice dinner in the city.
We’re all part of one family, even if we have different earthly mothers and fathers: 3… We saw it, we heard it, and now we’re telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ.
When we choose Jesus as our Savior and invite Him into our lives, He makes us part of His family. Then we become part of the royal family with all the benefits, of course.
Just a pity that many of us do not understand this and continue to live like children who are not part of a royal family. We must make a point of making our way of life fit in with our Godly family’s way of doing things.
Many parents write to me about how upset they are about their children’s behaviour. Their children engage in activities that conflict with the parents’ values and often find themselves in difficult situations filled with pain and suffering.
Let’s not make the same mistakes with our heavenly family. Let our way of life here on earth not make our Father and Jesus ashamed. Let us instead imitate our brother Jesus’ life here on earth.
Jesus came to demonstrate a simple way of life. Other people were more important than Himself. He attended to the needs of others above taking care of His own needs.
That’s why we also have to keep other people in mind. We need to see what the other royal family members need and then do something about it.
Let us strive to live a life that is pleasing to God and Jesus. Let us also long to have more and more of the people who live with us become part of this wonderful family.
1 John 1:1-4
Do you know your royal family?
Do you see family members’ challenges?
Do you plan to do something about it?
Father, thank You for being my Heavenly Father. Jesus, thank You for being my heavenly Brother. Let me live like a family member who glorifies Your Name here on earth. Amen.