God's word in today's world

Not left holding the baby

We are faced with choices every day. Some are easy choices. Some we just know from the start are wrong, and we don’t even look in that direction. With some, it’s not always so easy to see which way is right. 

Sometimes we know it’s wrong, but we still do it, because it’s fueled by a fire burning inside us. The consequences are not always so good and then we end up holding the baby. 

Arthur (not his real name) made the wrong choice and was left holding a few babies: 

I was one of those people who crossed the line. If I only knew then what I know today, it wouldn’t have even crossed my mind. 

I’ve been divorced for four years now and if I could change it, I would. I hope and believe the Lord will forgive me for what I’ve done. It’s torn me apart and it feels like it’s not going to get better. I regret it so much. 

How do you get back on your feet? I never looked at another woman again. But it’s terrible to be so alone. I have trouble talking to the Lord. It’s very bad not being able to talk to the Lord, I can’t say anything to Him … 

Please help! 

If we look back over our own lives, there are most likely choices that you and I also made that were not very good. Maybe you and I also were left holding a few babies. And it’s not nice. 

Thank you for the grace of Jesus who died for our wrong choices so that we do not have to bear the punishment for them. Jesus died on the cross for our wrong choices. 

When we realise what Jesus has done for us, we can’t help but live our lives right and make sure that we make better choices. When we look forward to meeting Jesus and God one day in the new heaven and earth, we want to get our actions in line with God’s will. 

14So, my dear friends, since this is what you have to look forward to, do your very best to be found living at your best, in purity and peace. 

Of course, I want to live in such a way that my story here on earth is a good read for God. That’s why I must try with everything in me to keep making good choices every day. I must cut the dirty spots from my life. 

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy, because sin is actually fun to do. Until the baby arrives. Then it’s too late, and we are left with the consequences. Yes, then we are ashamed, and we don’t even want to show our face before God. 

It’s time to take a stand. It’s time to make sure that every choice, big or small, is in line with God’s will for our lives. Let our actions show that we are looking forward to the coming of the new world and let our actions make others want to come along. 

2 Peter 3:8-13 

What do your choices look like?
How must you live differently for God to smile on you?
Where are there still dirty spots? 

Father, I’m so looking forward to Your new world, but sometimes my choices point the other way. Help me to choose correctly so I don’t regret anything. Amen. 


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